Free Robots.txt Generator - Create SEO Optimized Robots.txt File
Robots.txt Generator
Generated Robots.txt:
What is a Robots.txt File?
A robots.txt file is a text file placed on a website's root directory that guides search engine crawlers on which pages they can or cannot access. It helps control indexing, prevent duplicate content issues, and optimize crawl budget.
Why Do You Need a Robots.txt File?
✅ Control Search Engine Crawlers – Allow or block search engines from specific pages
✅ Protect Sensitive Pages – Prevent indexing of admin, login, or private files
✅ Optimize SEO & Crawl Budget – Focus search engine bots on valuable content
How to Use This Robots.txt Generator?
1️⃣ Select the User-Agent (Googlebot, Bingbot, etc.)
2️⃣ Choose Directives (Allow or Disallow pages)
3️⃣ Specify Sitemap URL (Helps search engines find all indexed pages)
4️⃣ Click 'Generate' to create a ready-to-use robots.txt file
5️⃣ Copy & Upload the file to your website’s root directory (